Thank you for being such a faithful community

Nov 22, 2023    Ryan Marsh

Time and time again, the community of Salt House shows up and makes things happen. Whether for an individual or the larger community, this community has faithfulness at it's core. Which is why we can meet these three stewardship engagement goals:

1. Perhaps you're new to Salt House and haven't yet made a financial commitment. We are looking for 5 first time givers to sign up for regular monthly giving.

2. Maybe you're been giving regularly, but this season your capacity for giving has increased. We are looking for 10 regular givers to increase their giving because of their increased capacity.

3. The end of the year is a time when folks often give one-time gifts. We're looking for 10 givers to consider making an end-of-year gift beyond their regular giving.

Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity with the Salt House Community!